
Request and Comment Line: (412) 385-7450

This is a local call for McKeesport-area residents.

Please note: All calls are recorded. By leaving a message, you are giving permission for your call to be used on the air.

Submit a Public Service Announcement

If your non-profit group or organization has an ongoing program or an upcoming event, and you want a little bit of free publicity, please send your information to us!


Send us your name; the date, time, and location of your event; the admission charge (if any); a phone number for more information; and your website. Please submit information at least two weeks in advance!

Call (412) 385- 7450

Leave a detailed message including the date, time, and location of your event; the admission charge (if any); a phone number for more information; and your website, and we'll play your message on the radio!

Studio and Mailing Address

Tube City Community Media Inc.
409 Walnut St.
Suite 200
McKeesport, PA 15132
